I don't know how many (if any?) people still follow this page. It's been three years since my last post and... so much has happened in that time. This little fairy girl is now writing under a different pen name, living in a different house, writing about vampires as well as fairies. And that's only the things off the top of my head!
For news on what I'm writing these days, feel free to visit my new author's blog: http://nicole-d-fergusson.blogspot.com.au
If you want to follow me on Twitter, I do love the attention: https://twitter.com/faerywhimsy
And, of course, what author these days would be complete without a Goodreads account? http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6878229.Nicole_D_Fergusson
I am also on Tumblr, Dreamwidth, Google Plus and Facebook (to varying levels and extents).
Come on, follow me on this new journey. :)
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